{#** * 2007-2018 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@prestashop.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA * @copyright 2007-2018 PrestaShop SA * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/OSL-3.0 Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA *#} {% extends '@PrestaShop/Admin/layout.html.twig' %} {% block content %}
{% if not editable %}
{% endif %} {# PRODUCT HEADER #} {% block product_header %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Blocks/header.html.twig', { 'formName': form.step1.name, 'formType': form.step1.type_product, 'is_multishop_context': is_multishop_context, 'languages': languages, 'help_link': help_link, 'stats_link': stats_link }) }} {% endblock %}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{# FORM TABS CONTAINER #} {% block product_tabs_container %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Blocks/tabs.html.twig') }} {% endblock %}
{# PANEL ESSENTIALS #} {% block product_panel_essentials %} {% set formQuantityShortcut = form.step1.qty_0_shortcut is defined ? form.step1.qty_0_shortcut : null %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/essentials.html.twig', { 'formPackItems': form.step1.inputPackItems, 'productId': id_product, 'images': form.step1.vars.value.images, 'formShortDescription': form.step1.description_short, 'formDescription': form.step1.description, 'formFeatures': form.step1.features, 'formManufacturer': form.step1.id_manufacturer, 'formRelatedProducts': form.step1.related_products, 'is_combination_active': is_combination_active, 'has_combinations': has_combinations, 'formReference': form.step6.reference, 'formQuantityShortcut': formQuantityShortcut, 'formPriceShortcut': form.step1.price_shortcut, 'formPriceShortcutTTC': form.step1.price_ttc_shortcut, 'formCategories': form.step1, }) }} {% endblock %} {# PANEL COMBINATIONS #} {% block product_panel_combinations %} {% set formStockQuantity = form.step3.qty_0 is defined ? form.step3.qty_0 : null %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/combinations.html.twig', { 'formDependsOnStocks': form.step3.depends_on_stock, 'productId': id_product, 'formStockQuantity': formStockQuantity, 'formStockMinimalQuantity': form.step3.minimal_quantity, 'formLowStockThreshold': form.step3.low_stock_threshold, 'formLocation': form.step3.location, 'formLowStockAlert': form.step3.low_stock_alert, 'formVirtualProduct': form.step3.virtual_product, 'asm_globally_activated': asm_globally_activated, 'formType': form.step1.type_product, 'formAdvancedStockManagement': form.step3.advanced_stock_management, 'formPackStockType': form.step3.pack_stock_type, 'formStep3': form.step3, 'formCombinations': formCombinations, 'has_combinations': has_combinations, 'max_upload_size': max_upload_size }) }} {% endblock %} {# PANEL SHIPPING #} {% block product_panel_shipping %}
{{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Forms/form_shipping.html.twig', { 'form' : form.step4, 'asm_globally_activated': asm_globally_activated, 'isNotVirtual': form.step1.type_product.vars.value != "2", 'isChecked': form.step3.advanced_stock_management.vars.checked, 'warehouses': warehouses }) }}
{% endblock %} {# PANEL PRICING #} {% block product_panel_pricing %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/pricing.html.twig', { 'pricingForm': form.step2, 'is_multishop_context': is_multishop_context, 'productId': id_product }) }} {% endblock %} {# PANEL SEO #} {% block product_panel_seo %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/seo.html.twig', { 'seoForm': form.step5, 'productId': id_product }) }} {% endblock %} {# PANEL OPTIONS #} {% block product_panel_options %} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Panels/options.html.twig', { 'optionsForm': form.step6, 'productId': id_product }) }} {% endblock %} {# PANEL HOOKED MODULES #} {% block product_panel_modules %} {% if hookcount('displayAdminProductsExtra') > 0 %}
{# LEFT #}
{% set hooks = renderhooksarray('displayAdminProductsExtra', { 'id_product': id_product }) %}

{{ 'Choose a module to configure'|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature') }}

{{ 'These modules are relative to the product page of your shop.'|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature') }}
{{ 'To manage all your modules go to the [1]Installed module page[/1]'|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature')|replace({'[1]': '', '[/1]': ''})|raw }}

{% for module in hooks %}
{{ module.attributes.displayName }}

{{ module.attributes.displayName }}

{{ module.attributes.version }} by {{ module.attributes.author }}
{{ module.attributes.description }}
{% endfor %}
{% for module in hooks %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}
{{ form_widget(form.id_product) }} {{ form_widget(form._token) }}
{# FOOTER #} {{ include('@Product/ProductPage/Blocks/footer.html.twig', { 'preview_link': preview_link, 'preview_link_deactivate': preview_link_deactivate, 'is_shop_context': is_shop_context, 'editable': editable, 'is_active': form.step1.vars.value.active, 'productId': id_product }) }} {% if not editable %}
{% endif %}
{% embed '@PrestaShop/Admin/Helpers/bootstrap_popup.html.twig' with { 'id': 'confirmation_modal', 'title': "Warning"|trans({}, 'Admin.Notifications.Warning'), 'closable': false, 'actions': [ { 'type': 'button', 'label': "No"|trans({}, 'Admin.Global'), 'class': 'btn btn-outline-secondary btn-lg cancel' }, { 'type': 'button', 'label': "Yes"|trans({}, 'Admin.Global'), 'class': 'btn btn-primary btn-lg continue' } ], } %} {% block content %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% set js_translatable = { "Are you sure to disable variations ? they will all be deleted": "This will delete all the combinations. Do you wish to proceed?"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Notification'), }|merge(js_translatable) %} {% set js_translatable = { "Form update success": "Settings updated."|trans({}, 'Admin.Notifications.Success'), "Form update errors": "Unable to update settings."|trans({}, 'Admin.Notifications.Error'), "Delete": "Delete"|trans({}, 'Admin.Actions'), "ToLargeFile": "The file is too large. Maximum size allowed is: [1]. The file you are trying to upload is [2]."|trans({}, 'Admin.Notifications.Error')|replace({ '[1]': '{{maxFilesize}}', '[2]': '{{filesize}}' }), "Drop images here": "Drop images here"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "or select files": "or select files"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "files recommandations": "Recommended size 800 x 800px for default theme."|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "files recommandations2": "JPG, GIF or PNG format."|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "Cover": "Cover"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "Are you sure to delete this?": "Are you sure to delete this?"|trans({}, 'Admin.Notifications.Warning'), "This will delete the specific price. Do you wish to proceed?": "This will delete the specific price. Do you wish to proceed?"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Notification'), "Quantities": "Quantities"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "Combinations": "Combinations"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "Virtual product": "Virtual product"|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "tax incl.": "tax incl."|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "tax excl.": "tax excl."|trans({}, 'Admin.Catalog.Feature'), "You can't create pack product with variations. Are you sure to disable variations ? they will all be deleted.": "A pack of products can't have combinations."|trans({}, "Admin.Catalog.Notification") ~ ' ' ~ js_translatable['Are you sure to disable variations ? they will all be deleted'], "You can't create virtual product with variations. Are you sure to disable variations ? they will all be deleted.": "A virtual product can't have combinations."|trans({}, "Admin.Catalog.Notification") ~ ' ' ~ js_translatable['Are you sure to disable variations ? they will all be deleted'], }|merge(js_translatable) %}